Understanding the WCAG 2.2 Guidelines/Requirements

Graphic picture of WCAG 2.2 guidelines
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the go-to rules for making digital content accessible to everyone. They are created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and they give webmaster criteria to follow that can help make websites more user-friendly for people with disabilities. However, WCAG isn’t set in stone; it gets updated as technology changes. So, it’s crucial to check if your website meets the latest version of WCAG and keep an eye out for upcoming changes. In this article, we’ll talk about what’s new in the working draft of WCAG 2.2 and how these changes could impact your website’s accessibility. For a deeper dive into the new success criteria, you can grab a copy of the WCAG 2.2 A/AA checklist.  

Differences Between WCAG 2.1 and WCAG 2.2 Success Criteria

So, what is the difference between WCAG 2.1 and 2.0? These new success criteria focus on making websites more accessible to everyone, including users with limited vision, cognitive or learning difficulties, and motor impairments – including those who use touchscreen devices. The WCAG 2.2 is a thorough guide for online developers, students, politicians, and others to make web content accessible to everyone. The main difference between WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 is that the new version improves things even more for users with disabilities in three categories: those with limited eyesight or learning difficulties and those who struggle to utilize mobile devices.   Why did they update it, and what’s new in WCAG 2.2? More individuals are currently using mobile devices! So, this upgrade enables website owners and developers to create mobile-friendly websites. When creating or modifying online content, it is advisable to use the most recent WCAG 2.2 instead of the previous version.   Read More on: Understanding WCAG 2.0 Requirements  

WCAG 2.2 Checklist


Guideline 2.4 Navigable

The standards 2.4.11, 2.4.12, and 2.4.13 focus on ensuring that the keyboard focus is apparent to users who are unable to use a mouse.  

2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) (AA)

For rule 2.4.11 (Minimum), it is critical to guarantee that when an item has keyboard attention, it is at least partially visible since individuals using speech recognition software must see what has keyboard focus.

2.4.12 Focus Not Obscured (Enhanced) (AAA)

Similarly, under guideline 2.4.12 (Enhanced), you should ensure that when an object has keyboard attention, it is evident, as persons who cannot use a mouse require clear visibility of keyboard-focused things.

2.4.13 Focus Appearance (AAA)

According to 2.4.13 Focus Appearance (AAA), establishing a visible and contrasting signal for the keyboard’s focused region is critical since many people struggle with minor visual changes while browsing online sites or applications. These recommendations strive to improve accessibility by ensuring that all users can quickly identify where their digital activities are now focused without interference from obstructive objects on the screen.  

Guideline 2.5 Input Modalities

To improve user accessibility, functionality must be made available via a variety of input modalities other than keyboards.  

2.5.7 Dragging Movements (AA)

When it comes to Guideline 2.5 Input Modalities, dragging movements play a key role. This means users should be able to perform actions by dragging elements on the screen. It’s all about making the interface as user-friendly as possible. Whether it’s on a touchscreen or with a mouse, the ability to drag and drop makes interacting with the content smoother and more intuitive. So, when designing your digital experience, keep in mind the importance of incorporating dragging movements to enhance accessibility and overall user satisfaction.

2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) (AA)

When determining the goal size (minimum) for input modalities, it is critical to verify that it fulfills the AA requirement. This implies that interactive components, such as buttons or links, should be at a minimal size to make them easy to tap or click. This is especially important for people who have motor skill problems or use touchscreens. Having a minimum goal size improves accessibility and usefulness for everyone. So, while developing your interface, keep this tip in mind to provide a more inclusive and user-friendly experience!   Read More on: Understanding WCAG 2.1 Requirements  

Guideline 3.2 Predictable

To ensure web pages are predictable and operate consistently, it’s vital to place help in the exact location when it appears on multiple pages. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who may have cognitive disabilities, as they can easily find the assistance they need.

3.2.6 Consistent Help (A)

3.2.6 Consistent Help (A) as per Guideline 3.2 Predictable simply implies that users should be able to receive the assistance they require invariably throughout your platform. This involves providing the same help choices throughout all areas of your website or app, as well as ensuring that the help material is displayed consistently. Consistency is essential here, so consumers know exactly where to seek assistance, no matter where they are on your site. It’s all about making things predictable and easy to understand for everyone.  

Guideline 3.3 Input Assistance

This recommendation focuses on assisting users in avoiding and correcting errors by minimizing duplicate data entered throughout a session.  

3.3.7 Redundant Entry (A)

3.3.7 Redundant Entry (A) under guideline 3.3 input assistance essentially implies giving users a mechanism to avoid making mistakes when entering information on a website or application. It’s all about ensuring that consumers don’t have to repeatedly enter the same information, which may be pretty aggravating. This guideline attempts to improve the user experience by reducing mistakes and simplifying the input process.  

3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum) (AA)

The goal here is not to have users solve puzzles or recall specific facts. At the same time, log into programs since this may cause issues for persons with cognitive impairments. Consider our persona battling with memory difficulties – Providing access via email authentication rather than depending only on password remember alleviates their login challenges. WCAG success requirements emphasize alternate techniques that do not rely on memory testing, as well as the use of assistive systems such as password managers when available.  

3.3.9 Accessible Authentication (Enhanced) (AAA)

Concentrating on better accessibility entails avoiding cognitively demanding activities such as recognizing objects or user-supplied photographs during logins, which may be difficult for some users.   These guidelines aim to improve accessibility by ensuring consistent help placement across different web pages, avoiding redundant data input, and simplifying authentication processes. This provides vital assistance for individuals with cognitive limitations.

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Debangku Sarma

Digital Marketing Associate
Continual Engine

Vijayshree Vethantham

Senior Vice-President, Growth & Strategy
Continual Engine US LLC

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