Mobile Accessibility: Importance, Legal Requirements & Considerations

Graphical picture of mobile accessibility

In today’s world, mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives. With approximately 6.92 billion smartphone users worldwide as of 2023, including about 270 million in the United States alone, their usage is widespread. However, despite the many benefits these devices offer, people with disabilities often face challenges with usability and accessibility when using mobile applications. These […]

9 Inclusive HR Documents To Ensure Accessibility in Workplace

Feature image for accessible HR documents

In the current corporate essential role of accessible HR documents and their significance in fostering the work world, disability inclusion has become a critical element of organizational culture. Businesses across the globe are stressing the importance of accessibility, particularly in the HR onboarding process. This blog explores the value of making workplaces accessible, the role […]

What Are the 12 Most Common Accessibility Issues to Avoid?

Graphics of Common Accessibility Issues

While nobody sets out to exclude individuals with disabilities from accessing their website, overlooking accessibility can inadvertently restrict a significant portion of your audience. With a notable increase in accessibility-related lawsuits, delaying consideration of accessibility is no longer advisable. For those less familiar with accessible web development, starting the process may seem daunting. A practical […]

Understanding the WCAG 2.2 Guidelines/Requirements

Graphic picture of WCAG 2.2 guidelines

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the go-to rules for making digital content accessible to everyone. They are created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and they give webmaster criteria to follow that can help make websites more user-friendly for people with disabilities. However, WCAG isn’t set in stone; it gets updated as […]

Understanding the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines/Requirements

WCAG 2.1 compliance

WCAG 2.1 was created to improve accessibility guidance for three key user groups: those with cognitive or learning disabilities, individuals with low vision, and users on mobile devices. Various approaches were considered and refined by the Working Group to meet these needs. The final set of success criteria was determined based on factors such as […]

Understanding the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines/Requirements

Graphic picture of WCAG 2.0 guidelines

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 offers practical recommendations to improve the accessibility of web content. By following these guidelines, content becomes accessible to a wider audience, including individuals with disabilities like visual impairments, hearing impairments, and learning disabilities. Adhering to WCAG 2.0 often results in better usability for all users. WCAG 2.0 provides […]

Understanding Australia’s DDA Compliance for Accessibility

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992, popularly also known as the DDA Act, was introduced to promote and ensure equality of treatment for every Australian. It specifically works to protect those with disabilities against discrimination of any kind. Every Australian establishment and set-up must be DDA-compliant.   What is the DDA? The DDA Act is an […]

Inclusive Vs. Universal Design: Why It Matters

Inclusive Vs. Universal Design Why It Matters

Design choices have a significant impact on how people interact with the world. These choices can either create barriers or opportunities for different groups. Inclusive and universal design principles aim to reduce exclusionary practices by promoting the creation of accessible, diverse, and user-focused environments. By prioritizing inclusivity and universality, businesses and designers can ensure that […]

How To Write A WCAG Accessibility Statement

Graphical picture of WCAG Accessibility Statement

In the current post-COVID digital landscape, websites are the primary means of accessing information and services for people all over the world. To ensure that all users can access these websites, it is not just a moral obligation but also a legal requirement for organizations to adopt inclusive web design practices. With more than one […]

Navigating Color Accessibility: Common Issues to Avoid

Navigating Color Accessibility: Common Issues to Avoid

We live in an increasingly digital world where the internet has become the primary source of information, and websites are the first impression of any business. As a result, online accessibility has become more important than ever. One crucial aspect of web design that has gained significant importance is color accessibility. It is essential to […]

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